Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For the Love of the Game by i found nemo

For the Love of the Game » by i found nemo reviews

Summary Provided by the Author:
She's a football obsessed cheerleader who ends up coaching the school team. He thinks her place is on the sidelines. Mutual hatred? Yep. Sometimes the last person you want to be with is the one person you can't resist.

W. S.'s Reviewing:
"For the Love of the Game" shines more than Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit combined! The ever so funky Shelly Sinclair and cocky Brendon Miller makes people gush over them (and their mothers do despite their annoyance at the beginning of it). A unique work, i found nemo makes the girly Shelly coach a bunch of hot football players. Being their new coach, she not only do they lead the team to victory (oops, spoiler), Shelly is also able to give them all a personality makeover. And most importantly, catching the heart of the school king, Brandon Miller. Chelsey Smith is the ultimate Sharpay to "For the Love of the Game". I have to admit, my favorite character is Brendon's sister, Morgan. A smart, yet head-strong girl acts as the Cupid and the creator of Team BS (Brendon-Shelly) charms readers. Both of the main characters find themselves hating each other to the point that they do childish (sometimes totally hot) pranks on each other. Brendon finds himself attracted to his "coach", Shelly and surprisingly, can act pretty sweet rather than a jerk. Even the people who hate reading this would turn into a bookworm (and I have proven this theory). With i found nemo's hot variaty of guys, reader's can dream about their prince charming as I hope to find. Well, it is every girl's dream, right? There is a sequel, "Accidentally in Love". It is very well written, but (here comes the spoiler) Brendon and Shelly broke up in it! It's obvious they will get together, but the author hasn't updated since April 22th, 2007. Poop, hunh? I'd advise you to also listen to the song mentioned, "Just the Girl" by The Click Five (at playlist.com or something) because I swear it totally matches the ever so great "For the Love of the Game"!

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