The Quiet Sound of Pride by Tabitha Grey
Summary Provided by the Author:
A retelling of Pride and Prejudice. From the moment Elizabeth Camden met Kent Darcy she hated how proud he was and tried as hard as she could to beat him at anything and everything.
W. S.'s Reviewing:
Pride and Prejudice is the mother of all romance. It's the mother of cliched hate-at-first-sight stories, and it's an international classic. In this modern retelling, Tabitha Grey edits all the characters (for example, the Bennett sisters, excepting Elizabeth, are molded into one: Kat) and places them in a boarding school, St. Mary's. She is the beautiful, scholarship student at the prestigious school. Kent Darcy, on the other hand, is her rival in her studies (and many other things, such as golf). He, like the original Darcy, has great hatred for Jack (the adaptation of Wickham) and protects Elizabeth from him. Many things are similar to the original, such as Darcy having to propose/ask Elizabeth out twice, but overall, the plot is a little twisted with many creative changes. It's on the shorter side, and it's cute, but it also frames many things the original did not, such as Elizabeth's persuasion. I love it, and not because it's an retelling, but because the characters are developed very realistically.
You're indisputably a good writer, and you have very well informed tastes in ammature romance. But...just so you know: RtHRoF isn't exactly a pithy name. You would do much better to follow conventional abbreviations and leave out articles and prepositions. Also, you blog posts' titles make no sense to the first time reader.
Of course, I'll still follow your blog (and count myself as a fan), but I wanted to be able to give some constuctive feedback. :D
Definitely makes me want to read it, but just so you know the link is wrong.
I didn't know where to leave a comment for this site in general, so I'll post it here.
It's awsome what you're doing here. Fabulous, really. Your blog has likely encouraged several writers. Keep up the great work.
Former FictionPress-er,
You are officially my favorite person on Blogger. Well, one of them. I cannot believe we share the same FP tastes - and I know a lot of people who can't separate crap from all the undiscovered goodness hiding out in ficdom. I was so astonished I became quasi-stalkerish and looked at your profile. I play the viola, and absolutely love badminton. But though Gossip Girl is good, I have to say that One Tree Hill is better! So basically, I just want to thank you for maintaining this blog, and being a generally awesome person.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my story! Quite a few people read my story because of your blog and I thank you so much!
Also, thank you for what you do. I can read a really review about good stories on Fictionpress and find some new favs to read.
Thank you again!
~ Tabitha Grey
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