Friday, January 8, 2010

"The Champagne Gang" by punkturnedwriter

The Champagne Gang by punkturnedwriter

Summary Provided by the Author:
"Does that kiss have anything to do with why we're on a train to New York in the middle of the night?"

W.S.'s Reviewing:
Sometimes, when something looks sweet, it's actually bitter in the inside. Life in Thorton Academy represents the richest in America. They're hot. They're beautiful. And they're all liars and cheaters. So how is Summer Ward going to know who to trust and who to love? When you have a large, dysfunctional family after an accident, the best way to cope is to move, right? So when Summer's life is already smashed up in pieces after her brother's death, Thorton is ready to shatter it even more. The queen of the school recruits her friend to destroy her. The king of the school is in love with her, which isn't as fun as it sounds. So how does Zach Gellar play in? When you have parties over-seas and girls liking you because of your boyfriends, life pretty much sucks. It's a beautifully written piece, lacking some originality, but the dynamic characters with rounded personalities make up for the loss. Punkturnedwriter has captured the whole net of romantic feelings into one bunch. I would suggest you to read the Champagne Gang, if you're looking for the whole upper-class teens who drink champagne. It's hot. It's beautiful. And it's a whole web of lies, cheating, and the faint glow of hope Summer is able to find in the whole mess.


Anonymous said...

this is sort of like gossip girl but i like it.

mina_in_a_nutshell said...

i read this story, hated it at times, but liked the end result. more bitter than expected for sure...but still enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I loved this story. It's filled with drama and hot rich guys. You can't really get much better than that.

Anonymous said...

One of my favourites!


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